Creating of a surroundings map for a remote controlled biomass transportation vehicle
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Military University of Technology, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2019;64(4):34-38
This paper presents a design concept of an environment map building system for a baled biomass collecting and transporting remote controlled vehicle. A typical remotely operated vehicle is usually equipped with cameras which may provide insufficient information about the vehicle’s surrounding thus leading to the operator having difficulties in driving such a vehicle in unknown environment. This paper presents a concept of a close area map building system based on additional sensors. The concept assumes equipping the vehicle with laser range find scanners, an inclinometer and radar speed sensors. Combining information from these devices allows to build a map which helps an operator to drive the vehicle in a safer manner and more efficiently.
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