Cultivar-environmental determinants of potatoes yielding under organic system
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Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roslin- PIB, Zakład Agronomii Ziemniaka, Jadwisin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(4):135-139
In the years 2005-2013 experiments concerning yielding of potato under organic system in two places of different soil-climatic conditions were conducted. During 9 years in 3-year cycles, 22 cultivars from different group of maturity were tested. It was stated that the yield depended mostly on climatic conditions in years of investigation and cultivars. The place of growing had no statistical influence. An average yield on heavier soil was 211 but on lighter one- 221dt·ha-1 Most of tested cultivars yielded in range 200-300 dt·ha-1 On heavier soil the stability of yielding was grater. It was stated the different reaction of cultivars from different maturity groups. Early and mid-early cultivars achieved higher yields on lighter soil, but late cultivars - on heavier one.
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