Cultivation and Technological Value of Pseudocereals - Nutritional and Functional Aspect in the Context of a Gluten-free Diet
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2022;67(1):29-38
Nowadays, consumers are more aware of what they eat and therefore start demanding from the food market. Paying attention to gluten-free products. For this reason, pseudocereals such as buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth or chia seeds have been noticed. They have good nutritional value and nutraceutical properties. Among other things, they are a good source of starch, fiber, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals such as saponins, polyphenols, phytosterols, phytosteroids, and betalains with potential health benefits. The plant is said to have a beneficial effect on improving health and supporting treatment in the case of disorders of the blood lipid profile, as well as hypoglycemic and anti-cancer effects. This review aims to characterize, in terms of nutritional and functional, three pseudocereals, i.e. buckwheat, quinoa and chia seeds.
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