Will the development of integrated plant management and ecological agriculture increase the use of biopesticides in agricultural practice?
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):35-37
The value of the global sales of biopesticides has been estimated for only about 1-3% of the global pesticide marked. This small share of biological methods is connected with the fact that so far no effective biological methods have been developed to control major diseases (powdery mildew, rusts, septoria blotch, root rot) and pests in large-field crops, e.g. cereals. Moreover, biopesticides are usually less effective and reliable than chemical pesticides, and application of biopreparations is more complicated. In Poland the following biopesticides have been registered for the use in agriculture and forestry: bioinsecticides containing viruses (2) or B. thuringiensis (3); biofungicides (2) and nematocide (1). For the use in ecological agriculture 6 microbial biopesticides and several biotechnical preparations have been registered. It seems that implementation of the integrated plant protection directive will not cause significant changes in the use of biological methods, especially in large-scale agriculture. This is supported by decreasing numbers of biopesticides, especially those based on microorganisms, available in Poland as well as in other European countries.
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