Factors affecting field emergence of some vegetable species in organic agriculture
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):96-100
Direct field sowing of vegetable seeds in organic farming is an adventure, because of the lack of effective seed treatments admitted to this kind of cultivation. In practice uneven and poor field emergence often cause reiterate sowings of some vege- table species. During 2004-2007 in the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops at Skierniewice the research was conducted on bean and cucumber field emergence in organic cultivation. Before field sowing the seed germination and healthness tests were taken and then field emergence were counted considering damaged seedlings and non germinating seeds. In the bean experiment the field emergence was examined in relation to the cultivar and date of sowing. The susceptibility of some cultivars to maggots was found. The advantage of delayed sowing in relation to the number of seedlings was proved. In the cucumber experiment the efficacy of Grevit 200SL and Biosept 33SL as well as plant extracts admitted to pest control in organic farming were evaluated. The comparative analysis of cucumber field emergence in organic and conventional cultivation were taken. The biological treatments increased the number of field emergence to some extent, but their efficacy was significantly lower as compared to chemical treatment. The soil structure was of a great importance in the cucumber field emergence.
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