Deposition of copper depending on the spraying characteristics of winter oilseed rape
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Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, The Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, ul. Chełmońskiego 37A, 51-630 Wrocław
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(1):13-17
The aim of the study was to determine the dependence of deposition of various forms of copper on winter oilseed rape on its spraying characteristics. The deposition of the utility liquid was determined in the first stage of the studies. The plants were sprayed in the spraying chamber “Aporo”, with the copper foliar fertilizer and nano-copper. The tests were performed with a working speed of 0.86 m·s-1, with two operating pressures 0.2 and 0.28 MPa. The spraying was done using standard nozzles: flat fan XR 110-02 and dual flat fan DF 120-02. In order to determine the deposition, the previously dried winter oilseed rape plants were mineralized, and then the concentration of the Cu element was measured using the spectrometer. The second stage of the study included the determination of the plant spraying coefficient Kpo. For this purpose, the photos of horizontal and vertical surfaces projections were taken of the winter oilseed rape crops in three phases of development. The surface area of the analysed plants was determined using the Scan2Cad and AutoCad 2014 graphical program. It was observed that the plant spraying coefficient Kpo increases along with the plants’ growth. For the applied spraying parameters, higher deposition values of copper were obtained by using Mikrovit Copper 80 foliar fertilizer for spraying.
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