Designing of a heat pump dryer for drying of plum
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(2):63-65
Traditional drying ways for drying of agricultural products and consumption of large amount of energy in conventional dryers result in reducing of quality and increasing of final cost of products. Utilizing of Heat Pump Dryers can improve the quality of products as well as decreasing the final production costs by means of energy saving. In the Heat Pump Dryer a high quantity of heat needed for drying of products can be shed off or saved from the latent and sensible heat of air leaving the drying chamber. In this article primary data of configuration such as relative humidity of air, input power of compressor, power of fan, recirculation air ratio (RAR) was obtained. Regarding to this primary data and dehumidifying specifications of plum, an experimental model of dryer was designed. The results indicated that the optimum temperature of drying for plums is in vicinity of 70-80°C; also specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) of designed dryer was notably more than conventional types of dryers in respect to saving the energy.
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