Determination of heat production in deep litter and in energy roof
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2006;51(1):5-9
Investigations of the installation for recovery and accumulation of heat generated in the animal building were executed. In the floor under the deep litter a tubular heat exchanger was placed, and on the roof placed was a set of solar collectors consisting of water panels integrated with the elements of the roof. Liquid from "energy roof" was directed to the boreholes where the heat was transferred to the ground deposit. The heat was used in winter season for warming up the production rooms, offices and bathroom. Comparison of heat amount coming from solar radiation with heat transferred to the liquid showed that energy roof prepared in Polish conditions reached the efficiency of 40%, what was 50-80% of performance achieved by original panels delivered by Dutch company R&R Systems b.v. Worse heat transfer was caused by poor quality of the glue used for joining. In the production room there was an effect of reduction of emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases. The Netherlands experiments confirmed results of calculations by a special computer model. The COP (coefficient of performance) of the heat pump was a little lower than expected (3,2 versus 3,5).
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