Determination of selected elements of the nutritional value and bioactive compounds content in organic sugar syrups
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SGGW w Warszawie, Wydział Nauk o Żywieniu Człowieka i Konsumpcji, Katedra Żywności Funkcjonalnej, Ekologicznej i Towaroznawstwa, Zakład Żywności Ekologicznej ul. Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776, Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(3):75-77
The growing consumers’ awareness in the nutrition area, the desire to look for alternatives to white sugar and the trend to live healthily have led to an increase in the supply of sugar syrups on the organic market. Insufficient number of studies on the health attributes of these syrups does not allow to state clearly that they are a good substitute for saccharose. The aim of the work was to identify and determine the content of biologically active compounds and sugars content of natural sugar syrups from organic production. Purchased products have been examined to indicate the content of individual sugars and polyphenol compounds. The type of sugar syrup had an impact on the nutritional value, the content of dry matter, sugar and the content of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. The obtained results showed that sugar beet as well as date syrup due to high content of bioactive compounds are nutritionally beneficial.
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