Development of environmental conditions in free-stall cattle barns
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Department of Exploitation and Rural Buildings, Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty, Warsaw Branch, ul. Rakowiecka 32, 02-532 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(1):109-115
The aim of this study was to define influence of different housing systems and barns on costs and energetic inputs in milk production and assessment of microclimate conditions. There were twelve free-stall cattle barns for dairy cows tested and the analysis contains: investment costs of buildings, equipment for mechanization of technological treatments (milking and milk cooling, forage preparing and feeding, manure removing and storing and other works), electric and mechanical energy inputs, labour inputs, exploitation costs of equipment and buildings, concentration of harmful gases, temperature of air and relative humidity inside and outside of barns. The limitations to the choice of the best technical- technological solution were assumed: average investment cost ≤ 19000 PLN, average labour inputs ≤ 4,6 working minutes, electric energy inputs ≤ 0,40 kWh, mechanic energy inputs ≤ 2,006 HP, NH3 concentration ≤ 10,9 ppm and CO2 concentration ≤ 1500,8 ppm. These values are per day and per LU. The best functional - technological solutions were in two barns, which fulfilled all limitations. It were: one boxed cattle barn with litter and one boxed non-littered barn, both with high number of animals, 144 LU and 109 LU respectively. Simultaneously in these two barns the lowest unitary exploitation costs were calculated and amounted to 1710,98 PLN∙LU-1 and 2088,57 PLN∙LU-1.
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