Differences between snap bean cultivars in seed productivity and quality in organic cultivation
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Instytut Ogrodnictwa, Skierniewice, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(4):89-93
The aim of studies was to select the most suitable cultivars of snap bean for seed production under organic conditions. Seed cultivation in organic farms is rather troublesome because of the scarcity of efficient disease and pest control agents. On the other hand the legumes species are very much wanted in this kind of farms. The research was conducted on organic experimental field in the Institute of Horticulture at Skierniewice during 2012-2013. Ten open pollinated cultivars were examined as fallows: five yellow pod ones Furora Polana, Galopka, Korona, Tampa and Tara and five green pod Delfina, Eliza, Paulinera, Sandra and Syrenka. In general the yellow pod cultivars yielded better in both years of studies. Among them the highest yield was obtained from cv. Furora Polana and Tampa, but the lowest from cv. Tara. In the group of green pods cv. Syrenka yielded the best while the worst Eliza and Sandra. Seed parameters such as germination percentage, seedling and seed health differed between cultivars. Two of them distinguished themselves in the highest quality parameters. There were cv. Tampa with germination in average 89,4% and cv. Tara 83.3%. Seeds of some cultivars germinated below standards for this species. The seeds of three cultivars San-dra, Syrenka and Paulinera never reached the required minimum of germination.
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