Directions of adaptation of regulations in livestock farming and provender milling in Belarus subject to EU regulations
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2007;52(4):45-47
The positive tendencies in cooperation of Belarus and the European Union in the field of development of the enterprises on production and processing of basic types of animal husbandry production were outlined during last years. The large-scale program of technical re-equipment, construction and reconstruction of large-scale dairy-product farms and complexes on cattle fattening, poultry factories and swine-breeding complexes with application of the newest European techniques, equipment and technologies have been realized in Belarus. The majority of these enterprises supply their production to companies-processors, focused on export deliveries, for the most part to the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to provisional data, in 2008 Belarus can already have the certain quota in animal production deliveries, in particular milk products, in the countries of the European Union. In this connection it is required to unify national normative documents with standards of the European Union on parameters of quality, hygiene, environment state, animal health and personnel work conditions according to which animal husbandry production conditions are estimated. Now there are also no formally significant standards concerning the applied equipment, characteristics of premises for the animals keeping and feedstuffs production and relevant means which should consider animals and maintenance staff needs, problem of environment protection and all connected with them requirements. Adapted standards development and coordination during project realization will promote increase of the European financial and technological investments into the Belarus animal husbandry.
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