Distribution channels of organic agricultural products in Poland - an example of the producers from the Masovian voivodeship
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The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(3):103-107
In Poland, the number of organic farmers and organic agricultural area are growing. At the same time, more buyers are
looking for the certified organic products on the market. An analysis of distribution channels of organic cereals, vegetables
and animal products has been conducted in the paper based on data obtained from organic producers from the Masovian
Voivodeship. A big share of direct sales of organic products was acknowledged. At the same time, there was a high percentage
of organic producers who produced only for their own use, i.e. their organic products did not reach the market. In the
opinion of the majority of the producers surveyed, organic production of vegetables, cereals and animal raw materials is
close to cost consuming or unprofitable. In the analysed group a little interest of forming producer groups was found. In the
present situation in organic farming in Poland it seems necessary to conduct the information and promotion actions not only
among consumers, but also among farmers aimed at raising awareness of the possibilities arising from the increase in
market activity.
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