Welfare of pigs in organic production system - assumptions and their implementation
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2011;56(4):143-147
The aim of this study was to evaluate the welfare of pigs in the organic production system for two management types, i.e outdoor and indoor keeping on a low litter with access to runs. Evaluation was achieved on sows of the Złotnicka Spotted breed, a native breed kept in Poland. It was performed on the basis of behaviour and physiological indexes as well as body condition of animals. A descriptive evaluation was conducted in aspect of behaviour and body condition indexes. Fattening and slaughter performance of gilts and reproduction performance of sows were adopted as physiological indexes. It was found that in both systems minimal standards were met concerning welfare, imposed on producers by legal acts regulating issues related to organic production. Welfare for the analyzed management methods was evaluated positively. Sows freely expressed their natural behaviour. A greater variation in behaviour was observed in females kept outdoors. Pathological behaviour was not found in either of the systems. Body condition of females was good in both systems. Sows did not fall ill and had long productive lives. A both outdoor and indoor system guarantees welfare of animals. Physiological indexes for the outdoor system were slightly lower in terms of reproduction performance while better results were found for fattening and slaughter performance. Sows reared outdoor showed the later age (489 versus 455 days), the longer farrowing interval (254 versus 190 days) and the slighter litter size at birth (8.74 versus 9.39 heads). In the outdoor system, Zlotnicka Spotted gilt showed the higher meat content (53.4 versus 46.4%) and the higher daily gain (467 do 384 g). Slighter backfat was found in the gilts rearing outdoor (13.5 mm) compared to indoor rearing female added 21.1 mm. Another authors were reported different observations.
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