The dynamics of permanent meadow yielding and the content of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in peat-muck soil and groundwater in conditions of diversified fertilization
During the years 2006-2011 the field experiment located on long-term productive meadow on peat-muck soil was conducted. The aim of study was to identify the impact of different types and levels of fertilization (in this solid cattle manure and slurry) on the meadow yielding and the content of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil profile. The mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilization in amount of 30 kg of P and 60 kg of K per ha was applied. Nitrogen was applied in two different doses: 60 kg and 90 kgźha-1. Together with higher levels of nitrogen the amount of phosphorus to 45 kg ha-1 and potassium - up to 90 kgźha-1 were increased. Solid manure and slurry were applied in amounts equal to the mineral fertilization. The obtained results indicated a significant potential for yielding of applied fertilization from 6 to 10 t ha-1 of DM. Higher yields were obtained on the objects fertilized with natural fertilizers (manure and slurry). Six- year fertilization regardless of the form of fertilization caused a significant increase of N-NO3 in the soil profile, especially on the layers 0-20 and 20-50 cm. The increased amount of N-NH4 on all sites in 2011, especially in deeper soil layers (50-80 and 80-110 cm) indicates a progressive process of denitrification in conditions of limited air supply caused by an increased level of ground water. A marked increase in phosphorus in the various layers of the soil profile on the PK object both in 2008 and 2011 was stated. A marked increase in phosphorus content in the 80-110 cm soil layer in 2011 on the object with the second level of manure fertilization may indicate its leaching from soil.
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