Effectivity of semi-dry seeds dressing method with ecological plant protection agent
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2010;55(3):147-151
The paper presents results of study on the effectiveness of semi-dry seeds dressing method applying an ecological plant protection agent, which is generally used to wet application. During the research liquid Bioczos was used to cover the wheat seeds. The laboratory seed dresser CC-10 of Cimbria company was used in the experiments. The seeds were dressed with specimen mixed with water, with 1%, 2%, 4%, 8% concentration. The volume of fluid was chosen in such a way that does not to exceed the increase of seeds relative humidity more than 1%. Comparative combinations were distilled water, standard seed dressing T 75 DS/WS. The criteria of laboratory and vase analysis were: energy capacity, germination capacity and seed vigor, phytotoxic assessment, assessment of seed dressing effectiveness.
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