Effect of frequency at which herbage left ungrazed by cows is cut on the feed value of the legume-grass sward under organic management
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Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation-National Research Institute, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland
Agricultural Experiment Station in Grabów, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation-National Research Institute, 26-704 Przyłęk, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(3):50-55
The aim of the study carried out on an organically farmed field was to estimate the impact of pasture management that included cutting of ungrazed plants on the feeding value of a mixed legume-grass sward. The feeding value of the mixture was assessed in a single-factor experiment which comprised 4 dates on which ungrazed plants were cut (left uncut, cut after the 1st grazing event, cut after the last grazing event, cut after each grazing event). Failure to mow ungrazed plants was found to have a negative impact on forage quality, to lower its energy content and protein value, decrease digestibility, increase filling value and fiber content of fodder. It also promoted weed infestation of the sward and increased the percentage of aged vegetation which is of little use in cattle feeding. In order to obtain a good quality sward of a legume-grass mixture it is necessary to cut the uneaten plants at least once during the grazing season.
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