Effect of intensity of broad bean protection with biopreparations against fungal diseases
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Katedra Ochrony Środowiska Rolniczego, Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):38-42
The aim of the study was to compare the health status of biologically protected broad bean sprouts, taking into account differentiated number of biopreparation applications. The field experiments were carried out in the years 2010-2012 at the Agricultural Experimental Farm in Prusy, near Krakow. Evaluation of fungal diseases severity was performed in a 5-point scale in broad bean phase BBCH (70-79). The study demonstrated that hydrothermal conditions significantly modified the occurrence and severity of fungal diseases in broad beans. Windsor White broad bean variety, unlike Hangdown White, is significantly more infested by Botrytis fabae (leaves and pods), and pods also by Uromyces fabae (rust). An increased intensity of broad beans protection using biopreparations reduces the severity of fungal diseases occurrence during the growing season. A significant limitation in chocolate blotch development on the leaves, stems and pods, as well as rust and gray mold on pods, is provided by treatment of the broad beans with Polyversum WP biopreparation, and five times foliar application of natural preparations (4 × Bioczos BR + 1 × Biosept 33 SL) during the growing period. Applied biological protection proved to be little effective in broad bean protection against ascochytosis (A. fabae).
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