Effect of mixed cultivation of naked barley with yellow and blue lupin on yielding and selected biometric component characters in ecological production system
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, Instytut Eksploatacji Maszyn, Ergonomii i Procesów Produkcyjnych ul. Balicka 116 B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(2):104-108
The conducted study aimed at the determination of the optimum share of the blue and yellow lupin in mixtures with the naked barley for the seed yielding on less productive land. An analysis of the component biometric characters and their yielding level constituted the basis for the determination of the optimum mixture for cultivation in specific soil conditions. The study was conducted on dusty soil belonging to the good rye soil complex. The experiment factor included a different share in the mixture (in % of pure sowing of the species) of naked barley (100, 60, 20, 0), yellow lupin (0, 40, 80, 100) and blue (01, 40, 80, 100). On the basis of the obtained results it was determined, that independently of the cultivation method, both yellow and blue lupin did not exhibit diversification in the number of pods per plant, as well as the number and weight of seeds from one plant. However, significant differences were observed for the weight of 1000 seeds. A significantly higher weight of one thousand seeds was exhibited by pure sown blue lupin and in the mixture with 20% share of barley, whereas in the case of yellow lupin only in the mixture with 60% share of barley. The blue lupin yielding was similar in pure sowing, as well as in the mixture with its 80% share. The highest yellow lupin yields were observed for the pure sowing, no statistical differences were observed for yielding of the species in the mixtures. Independently of the component species in the mixtures, higher yielding of barley at its 60% share, comparable to pure sowing was observed, which translated into the highest, total yields obtained from this cultivation variant within each of the used components.
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