Effect of the application methods of natural plant extracts on emergence of beets
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Politechnika Koszalińska, Katedra Agrobiotechnologii, Koszalin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):67-71
The experiment presented in this article consisted in determination of the impact of the method of application of green plant extracts on germination of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) ‘Rekord’ variety, sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) ‘Szach’ variety, and red beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef.) ‘Czerwona Kula’ variety seeds in soil. Earlier in vivo laboratory tests allowed for identification of plant extracts with the strongest germination stimulating effect and contamination reduction on seeds selected for the experiment. This included the infusions of Juniperus communis fruits in the case of fodder beet, Hyssopus officinalis herb in the case of sugar beet, and Artemisia absinthium herb in the case of red beet. In the paper mean time, uniformity and rate of germination were determined for all plants in two combinations. The first combination consisted of seeds pre-treated with the aforementioned plant extracts and sown into non-treated soil while the second combination consisted of non-treated seeds sown into the soil that had been locally pre-treated with plant extracts. The control group consisted of non-treated seeds sown into non-treated soil. As demonstrated, in-soil germination capacity of root crop seeds was better when the plant extracts were applied into the soil rather than onto the seeds themselves. The largest differences in the dynamics of germination depending on the method of herb brews application were observed in the case of red beet seeds.
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