Effectiveness of selected methods of weed management and their effect on nutrition value and storage ability of red head cabbage
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Instytut Ogrodnictwa, ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):144-150
The studies were conducted in the years 2011-2013 at the Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice, to compare the effectiveness of selected methods of weed control, useful in organic production of red head cabbage and to determine their impact on the yield and nutritional value and storage ability. In experiments the effectiveness of such methods as: mechanical treatments, soil mulching with polypropylene (PP) and biodegradable black foil, the use of cover crops and hand weeding were evaluated. The results showed diverse effectiveness of weed control methods. Polypropylene and biodegradable foil mulches as well as hand weeding completely reduced the weeds infestation. Mechanical weeding was very effective in controlling weeds, but its effect was short-lived and shortly after the treatment re-emergence of weeds was observed. Cover crops cut into small pieces and left on the soil surface strongly limited the number and weight of weeds, in comparison to check, while effect of cover crops incorporated with soil was similar to the check. The highest yields were obtained for red cabbage grown in mulches from polypropylene and in biodegradable foil and the lowest from cover crops. After the storage the highest biomass weight losses were observed in red cabbage weeded mechanically, while the lowest in cabbage grown in mulch of cover crops. The highest content of total sugars characterized by a head of cabbage weeded mechanically and manually, both fresh and after storage and the lowest from polypropylene and biodegradable foil mulching as well as from cover crops cut and mixed with the soil. The highest nitrate content in fresh heads and after storage was observed in cabbage mulched with polypropylene and the lowest in fresh cabbage weeded mechanically. The low nitrate content after storage was also observed in the heads of cabbage grown in mulch of cover crops.
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