Ecological and economic aspects of production of electric energy from biomass on example of the experimental station of National Research Institute of Animal Production in Grodziec Śląski
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2012;57(4):177-182
Once again on the conference "Organic agriculture - present condition and prospects of development" in Puszczykowo, as part of meetings of sciences with practice, we have opportunity to present Agricultural biogas plant, and its results from almost 12-month period of energy production. Obtained results are confirming investment assumptions and are important information for all interested in construction of biogas plant, supported by the Governmental "Directions of the development of agricultural biogas plants in Poland in 2010 - 2020". It is estimated, that in Poland during this period about 2000 to 2500 biogas plants can come into existence, which the production can cover about 10% of gas demand. This amount can fully meet the needs of the rural areas. Agricultural biogas plant in Kostkowice was built in 2010, after the start-up in 2011, from 1st of January 2012 it has achieved the full manufacturing capacity, using the agricultural origin substrates for the energy production, such as: manure, bovine and pig liquid manure, Agrorefinery by-products (rape pressed cake, glicerine, oil residue), green forage, potatoes, corn and grass silages and feeds not taken by the animals. In this work results for substrates, their chemical composition, the content of heavy metals and the energy value were described. The studies of solid digestate were conducted towards burdening the methane fermentation determining the profile of low-molecular organic acids and the alkalinity, during the start-up period and in the production period. For the same periods a composition of biogas was described (content of methane, carbon dioxide, sulphuration). After fermentation product of the substrate gasifying process is digestate which contains, what was confirmed in own examinations, hydration on the level of 91-95% of the water. After separation solid digestate contains about 27% of a dry mass and liquid digestate from 3.1 to 4.4%. A chemical composition and physicochemical properties of solid and liquid digestate were determined. In the research on the microbiological quality of solid and liquid digestate a lack of Salmonella spp was demonstrated as well as the small share of Escherichia coli (14.2 š 10.4 unit/g and 25.0 š 10.95 unit/ml). Currently a comparing studies of the fertilizer value are being conducted between liquid digestate and liquid manure. It was established that both a solid digestate as well as liquid digestate should demonstrate the ecological superiority in regards to seeds, weeds and micro-organisms presence. Also an economical preliminary analysis of the electric energy production from biogas, noticing, that Agricultural biogas plant can be an example of diversifications of agricultural production.
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