Emission of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane from hen house in deep litter/slatted floor system
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Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy, Oddział w Poznaniu, Zakład Kształtowania Środowiska w Obiektach Inwentarskich i Ochrony Powietrza, ul. Biskupińska 67, 60-463 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):64-69
The objective of this paper was to report a characterization of NH3, N2O and CH4 concentrations and emissions from a commercial poultry farm under Polish conditions. The research was conducted in the deep litter/slatted floor poultry house in Greater Poland Region, where breeding hens (line ROSS 308) were housed. During 18 months, for 13 selected days the temperature and the concentration of NH3, CH4, and N2O were monitored inside and outside the building. To measure the concentrations of the gases the photo-acoustic spectrometer Multi Gas Monitor Innova 1312 was used. Mean gas concentrations in the studied poultry house were: 21.3±11.6 mg·m-3 for NH3, 2.50±1.23 mg·m-3 for N2O and 6.3±3.4 mg·m-3 for CH4. Gas concentrations in the studied poultry house were correlated with the ventilation rate. The correlation coefficients were: rNH3 = -0.92, rN2O = -0.66 and rCH4 = 0.86. The gas emission factors were on average 2.01±0.53 g·day-1·hen-1 (284±88 g·day-1·LU-1) for NH3, 0.118±0.087 g·day-1·hen-1 (16.8±13.9 g·day-1·LU-1) for N2O and 0.90±0.77 g·day-1·hen-1 (130±114 g·day-1·LU-1) for CH4.
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