Energy and economic efficiency assessment of street lighting in a rural commune
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Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie, Katedra Energetyki i Automatyzacji Procesów Rolniczych, ul. Balicka 116B, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):176-181
An energy and economic efficiency audit of lighting systems in three options, i.e. high pressure sodium discharge lamps, lamps with LED type luminaires powered from the grid and a lighting system with an autonomous power supply i.e. a hybrid lamp (with a LED type luminaire) powered by electricity generated by photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine was per-formed for a sample rural commune for which a development of street lighting is scheduled. The audit included selecting the number of luminaires and their power, calculating the energy saving, as well as an economic feasibility analysis of the undertaken actions in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Resolution by the Minister of the Economy on Energy Efficiency. Two options for financing the investment were considered: the commune’s own funds or the commune uses grants from the Rural Area Development Programme. The economic analysis showed that a commune looking to build street lighting using solely its own funds should opt for high pressure sodium discharge lamps. Lighting with LED type luminaires, despite using half as much energy as sodium discharge lamps, once the cost of replacing luminaires is taken into account will generate the highest service costs, and as such its operating cost will be higher. The street lighting system with LED type luminaires is economically justified only if a commune receives grants from external sources for the purchase of energy saving light systems. Building lighting systems with an autonomous power supply is economically unjustified as the cost associated with replacing batteries is three times higher than the cost of purchasing energy for high pressure sodium discharge lamps.
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