Environmental impact of organic vs. conventional agriculture - a review
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Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW), Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Chair of Organic Food
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, National Research Institute (IERiGŻ-PIB), General Economics Department, Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(4):204-211
Nowadays nearly 40% of Earth’s land is used by agriculture. Large areas of arable land are covered by cash crops monocultures, and most common intensive agricultural practices are highly dependent on water, synthetic mineral fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and increasingly also on the products of genetic engineering. The mentioned means of agricultural production, aiming at maximizing yields while decreasing direct production costs, resulted in the agriculture becoming in a very short time one of the economy branches with highly significant environmental impact. Some alternative agricultural systems have been developed in response to the increasing environmental and social concerns of intensive agriculture. One of such systems, earning growing interest worldwide, is organic farming. The presented paper shows and compares environmental impacts of organic vs. conventional agricultural production methods on the basis of available published research. According to the literature, global benefits of organic production methods include e.g. improvement of soil structure and fertility, reduction of soil degradation and erosion, protection of biodiversity, and increasing independence on external production inputs, in that water and non-renewable energy sources. All these features of organic production are important for protecting natural resources and fit well in the concept of sustainable development. It should be underlined that the mentioned environmental/ecosystem benefits of replacing industrial, intensive agriculture with the organic systems, translate into measurable economic values. However, as it is very difficult to internalize external (i.e. environmental) costs and benefits (e.g. ecosystem services) of agriculture, they are usually not taken into account in global economic evaluation of the systems, thus inhibiting development of organic sector.
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