Evaluation of exposure of the operators on the contact with the plant protection products during the spraying process
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Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2020;65(2):4-8
Plant protection products are one of the most dangerous substances in the agricultural working environment. The application of plant protection products by the broken implements or by wrong techniques can create the threats both for the operators, other people and for natural environment. The objective of this research was the evaluation of exposure of the sprayer operator on the liquid spray. Research was conducted for two types of the manual handling sprayers (backsprayer and shoulder-sprayer). To evaluate the exposure level the water-sensitive papers were used – they were placed on the elements of the workwear and personal protective equipment of operators. It was conclude that the highest exposure concerned the upper limbs (especially forearms) and the chest. Moreover, on the flat crop higher exposure on the liquid spray was observed for the shoulder-sprayer while on the orchard crop the differences between the sprayers in aspect of expo-sure were insignificant.
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