Evaluation of the thrust force of a multirotor agricultural drone
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Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Automatic Control, Mechanics and Construction
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(3):6-8
Multirotor drones can be used in ecological agriculture as agricultural machines that do not produce pollution or knead the soil. The movement of drone over plants is related to the thrust generated by rotors and propellers. Test stand, where the drone was placed on electronic scales, was constructed in order to establish the thrust force of the drone. The test stand, where the drone was placed on electronic scales, was constructed in order to establish the thrust force of the drone. Optical tachometer was used to measure the propellers’ rotational speed. A mathematical formula was determined that describes the relation between the rotational speed of the drone propellers and the thrust force it generates.
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