Evaluation of usefulness of self-determinate and traditional variety of yellow lupine to cultivation at mixture with spring triticale
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Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(4):124-131
The studies were conducted in the years 2008-2010, at Agricultural Experimental Station in Grabów, which belongs to Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute (IUNG-PIB) in Puławy. The first experimental factor was yellow lupine variety: Taper (self-determinate type) and Dukat (traditional type), and the second row factor was share of components in the mixture (lupine and triticale var. Dublet): A - lupine 100% (100 plants·m2), B - lupine 75% (75 plants·m2) + triticale 25% (125 plants·m2), C - lupine 50% (50 plants·m2) + triticale 50% (250 plants·m2), D - lupine 25% (25 plants·m2) + triticale 75% (375 plants·m2), E - triticale 100% (500 plants·m2). The aim of undertaken researches was evaluation of usefulness of traditional and self-determinate varieties of yellow lupine to cultivation with spring triticale. Both yellow lupine varieties occurred useful to cultivation in mixture with triticale in regard on similar rate of growth and development, and particularly similar date of maturation. In the all years of studies were achieved similar yield of triticale cultivated in mixture with traditional and self-determinate lupine variety. Percentage share of individual varieties seeds in yield after the harvest was different than their share in sowing mixture - there was obtained considerably lower share of lupine and greater share of triticale. Therefore to obtain considerably lupine yield its share in the sowing mixture should exceed 50% of pure sowing.
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