Evaluation of weed infestation of triticale and pea mixtures grown for fodder seeds
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Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute, Department of Forage Crop Production ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(3):42-48
The aim of the study was to evaluate weed infestation of mixtures of pea with spring triticale with differentiated composition of seeds at sowing, in ecological farming system. Field experiments were carried out in 2014-2016 in split-plot design in 4- replication on good soil rye complex. Two pea cultivars with spring triticale with differentiated share of legume (40, 60 and 80%) were compared. An assessment of species weed composition, each species abundance, fresh and dry weed matter was performed. An assessment of the structure of weed communities in the cultivated crops was carried out using two ecological indicators: Shannon index (H) and Simpson domination index (SI). Analysis has shown that in the first and third year of study, the most competitive with weeds was mixture of the lowest percentage of legumes, while in the second year the mixture with 80% share of pea, as evidenced by significantly lower fresh and dry weeds matter. In all years of study, in the cultivation of all mixtures, weed phytocenoses consisted mainly of dicotyledonous species. The most abundant weed species, regardless of their components, were: Conyza canadensis, Chenopodium album, Eguisetum arvense, Rumex acetosella and Sonchus asper. In the first year of the study, the highest diversity of weeds, expressed by Shannon's diversity index, showed a mixture of triticale with 40% share of pea of Milwa cultivar, in the second year a mixture with 80% share of pea Klif cultivar and 40% of Milwa, while in the third year of study mixtures with 60% share of pea Milwa cultivar and 40% - of Klif cultivar.
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