Exhaust emission from agricultural farm tractor in the course of ploughing
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Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Wydział Kształtowania Środowiska i Rolnictwa, Katedra Inżynierii Systemów Agrotechnicznych, ul. Papieża Pawła VI nr 1, 71-459 Szczecin, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(1):91-99
The amount of emitted harmful ingredients (CO2, NOx, HC, CO, PM) contained in agricultural farm tractor exhausts in the course of ploughing on the field which area is 26 ha, was determined by indirect method. The content of exhaust emitted in the course of direct soil cultivation and in the course of U-turning was expressed in relation to the time of work unit of the tractor (g·s-1) and also in relation to the unit of work done by the tractor (g·kWh-1). However the total exhaust emission content was presented in relation to area unit of the cultivated soil (g·ha-1). It was ascertained that the emission of each of the ingredients of exhaust was ca 35 kg·ha-1 CO2, 0.4 kg·ha-1 NOx and 0.04 kg·ha-1 HC, and emission of PM and CO was below the test sensitivity. It was also found that along the cultivation of soil most often the value of CO2, NOx and HC emission ex-pressed in g·s-1 was by 13 to 15 times higher than on U-turns which can be connected to significantly higher use of fuel during the direct soil cultivation. However in the case of CO2, NOx and HC emission expressed in g·kWh-1, during the soil cultivation had only one, characteristic for each exhaust component, most often level of emission located in the range of small or medium values, as opposed to U-turns, during the performance of which the level of emission was more diverse.
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