Expectations of the polish stakeholders towards the skills and knowledge of the graduates as regards organic food and farming
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Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Department of Functional and Organic Food and Commodities ul. Nowoursynowska 159C, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):114-119
The aim of this paper was to analyze the Polish stakeholders from the organic sector in terms of their expectations towards the potential employees and to evaluate what kinds of the professional knowledge and skills are expected by the employers. A survey with stakeholders from the organic food chain was carried out in 2015 in Poland. The investigation has been conducted within a European project “Innovative Education towards the Needs of the Organic Sector” (http://eposproject.net/). A questionnaire with closed-ended questions was created in order to cover a range of different stakeholders. The survey consists of 72 records. Five groups of thematic points were chosen for the publication: (A) Type of graduate for optional employment, (B) Profile of disciplines of graduates, (C) Strategies for recruitment of graduates, (D) Requirements of the job, (E) Innovations in teaching methods. The results indicate that Polish enterprises within organic sector are interested in employing the graduates in organic food and farming studies. There is a need in Poland to create well-constructed university study programs covering organic food and farming. It is necessary to introduce innovative educational methods into the above programs in order to provide the alumni possibilities to acquire skills desired by the employers. Cooperation with enterprises within organic sector is a necessary element of the new created programs as the method to increase practical skills of the graduates and their possibilities to get an interesting job after graduation.
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