Lactic acid fermentation of apples from organic farming as a way to receive a new range of products – bio-juices
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Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego im. prof. Wacława Dąbrowskiego, Rakowiecka 36, 02-532 Warszawa,
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(3):71-77
Taking into account a significance of Poland as a producer of apples, the consumer preferences as well as the growing
worldwide popularity of naturally cloudy apple juice, whose specific health benefits have been proven, it seems to be an
interesting proposal to use apples as a raw material for the preparation of a new, organic fermented product, called biojuices.
The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of organic apples for preparing fermented, unpasteurized apple
juice (bio-juice) using selected starter cultures containing indigenous (autochthonous) strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB).
There was compared the composition of microorganisms occurring in fresh apple juices prepared with conventional and
organic apples. Organic juice was fermented spontaneously. From the fermented juice were isolated strains of LAB, which
after an assessment of biotechnological characteristics, were used to compose starter cultures. LAB isolates belonged to the
species Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus mesenteroides. Starter cultures were used to initiate lactic acid
fermentation of naturally cloudy juice. It was found that apples from organic cultivation were more affected by the presence
of unwanted microorganisms than apples from conventional cultivation (crops). Such a high degree of contamination of raw
(plant material) confirms the need to use in the process of fermentation starter culture containing strains of LAB,
characterized by adequate antimicrobial activity. The effect of developed starter cultures on the fermentation and
microbiological and sensory quality of fermented apple juice was evaluated. Juices fermented with the use of starter
cultures received in an organoleptic assessment the highest number of points, including the hedonic evaluation of 7.6 to 9.0
( i.e. the maximum. The use of developed starter cultures in the process of fermenting apple juice naturally cloudy (suggest
it possible) to obtain a new type of product, safe, characterized by interesting properties not only sensory but also healthrelated,
while eliminating undesirable microorganisms.
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