The aim of the research was to indicate the possibility of using digestate which was obtained in the process of biogas production and the analysis of the effects of the aggregation process using rolling. The characteristics of fertilizers were determined based on the analysis of the basic properties of post-fermentation pulp such as: dry matter, organic matter, pH, C: N ratio, content of macroelements. The analyzes were carried out for a mixture of excess substrates and elements of food and feed processing. A narrow C: N ratio and a near-neutral pH were indicated. The content of total nitrogen (1.8%) allows the soil application of digestate as a soil improver. The ratio N: P: K (1: 0.53: 0.61) indicates potassium deficiency. The combustion heat was determined with the result of 17.20 MJ·kg-1. The obtained values of humidity and combustion heat were used to determine the net calorific value of digestate equal to 15.80 MJ·kg-1. The spherical granulate was obtained using the coating method. For the moisture content of the digestate 30% m / m granules were obtained in the size range from 1.5 to 4.5 mm.
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