The paper presents floral and soil diversity of selected soils of ecological grasslands in the Bystra Notec Valley. The state of
vegetation cover was described on the basis of floral composition and such soil properties as the: content of organic matter,
specific density, soil density, total porosity, maximal hygroscopic capacity, soil potential of water bonds, total and readily
available water and reaction were analysed. The analysed soils showed high diversity in the scope of the examined properties.
They resulted mostly from the content and state of transformation of organic matter. Meadow grasslands were diversified
in terms of flora and natural qualities. They were dominated by species characteristic to Phragmitetea class. The highest
floral diversity was observed on grasslands from Phalaridetum arundinaceae group H’=3,1of medium natural qualities.
It depended mostly on current habitat and agricultural use.
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