Floristic composition of community with domination of bromus inermis leyss on the backround of soil conditions
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Poznań University of Life Science, Department of Soil Science and Land Protection
Poznań University of Life Science, Department of Grasslands and Natural Landscape
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2016;61(3):206-210
The paper contains soil and floristic characteristics of grassland communities where ecological arable tillage is conducted. The characteristics includes the assessment of variability and a detailed description and interpretation of soil and phytosociological conditions. The research was conducted in September 2015 in an individual farm land in Mniszek (a village in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecki County). On the basis of 18 phytosociological relevés made with Braun-Blanquet’s method, floristic diversity of the community as well as botanical structure and natural value were determined; the community with the predominance of Bromus inermis (Bromus inermis Leyss) was dominant. Four soil profiles were prepared and such soil properties as pH, content of total carbon and total nitrogen, soil texture, bulk density of soil, particle density, total porosity, maximal hygroscopic capacity, the potential of water binding by the soil and its total and readily available water as well as the saturated hydraulic conductivity were determined. The investigated soils represented sandy alluvial soils (Haplic Fluvisols), formed from alluvial materials of the Noteć River’s ice-marginal valley. The permeability of studied soils was high and their retention was low, what is characteristic for coarse-textured soils The production and plant available water appeared in small amounts in the soils under study. Total porosity, bulk density, particle density, as well as pH, were on a beneficial level. The surface soil horizons were characterized by high (as for sands) content of total carbon, what was the result of an alluvial specificity of the studied soils genesis. The investigated soils were a natural environment for thermophilic flora.
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