Forecrop value of blue and yellow lupine for winter wheat
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Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute (IUNG-PIB) Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, Poland
Agricultural Experimental Station IUNG-PIB in Grabów, 26-704 Przyłęk, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(3):70-74
Besides a very good protein fodder legumes can also leave a good stand for the forecrop. In effect of legumes symbiosis with bacteria they are able to fixed N2. Thanks to that their cultivation does not require high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, and fixed nitrogen is also available in the soil for the successive crop. The aim of researches was to recognize the impact of blue and yellow lupine forecrops on yielding of winter wheat and compare these effects with the impact of spring barley. The studies were led at Agricultural Experimental Station in Grabów which belongs to the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute in Puławy. Winter wheat var. Arkadia was sown after blue lupine var. Zeus, yellow lupine var. Dukat and after spring barley var. Johan. Winter wheat density amounted to 5 m plants per ha, and area of plots to harvest – 24 m2 . During the flowering of wheat following measurements were performed: plant height, leaf area (AM 300; ADC BioScientific Ltd. UK) and SPAD values (SPAD -502; Minolta Japan), whereas before the harvest, at full maturity were determined: number of shoots, number of ears and grains in the ear, the mass of straw, ears and grain, as well as weight of 1000 grains. These measurements were performed on the 10 plants randomly selected from each plots. After the harvest there were determined the grain yield and its moisture as well as nitrogen content in the grain (Kjeldahl method). It was found beneficial effect of a forecrop on wheat yielding and its elements structure (i.e. number of ears, number of grains per plant and weight of 1000 grains). The influence of a forecrop on yielding level of winter wheat was in the great degree dependent on course of weather condition in the years of research and the lupine species. In the unfavorable years to wheat cultivation the difference between yields of winter wheat cultivated after good and weak forecrop was greater than in years with favorable weather course.
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