Geobotanical and economic valuation of meadow and pasture communities and their use
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Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Grassland Science and Natural Landscape, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(3):76-79
The study area covered communities of inundated meadows mainly from the class Phargmitetea, from the Magnocaricion and Phragmition alliances, located in the Noteć Bystra valley. Plant associations were evaluated in terms of their floristic diversity, Ellenberg’s phytoindication indexes: moisture content (F), soil nitrogen content (N), soil reaction (R), as well as yielding and fodder value. The calculated floristic diversity (H’) of communities ranges from 1.22 to 3.8, which results from their limited use and high groundwater levels, with dry matter yields ranging from 4.1 to 12.7 t.ha-1, and FVS ranging from 0.4 to 7.6.
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