Geobotanical conditions of ecological grasslands on light river alluvial soils
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Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Soil Science and Land Protection, ul. Szydłowska 50, 60-656 Poznań, Poland
Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Grasslands and Natural Landscape Sciences, ul. Dojazd 11, 60-632 Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(3):131-135
The paper contains a geobotanical characteristics of grassland habitats where ecological management is conducted. It covers the assessment of floral diversity and a detailed description and interpretation of soil conditions. The research was conducted in the vegetation season of 2014 in an individual farm in Srednica (wielkopolskie Voivodeship, czarnkowskotrzcianecki district). In the research area a number of phytosociological relevés was taken. Local habitats were described and characterised. Four soil opencasts were done within the area. Such properties as reaction, the content of total carbon, texture, soil density and its solid phase density, porosity, maximal hygroscopic capacity, water bond potentials of soil, readily and total available water and saturated hydraulic conductivity were marked. The investigated soils were river alluvial soils formed from alluvial sands of Notec's proglacial stream valley, they were characterised by high water permeability and low retention, both of which are typical to light soils. There was little amount of productive and available for plants water. Soil's porosity and density, as well as reaction, were on a beneficial level. Top horizons had high - as for sands - content of carbon which was a result of the specificity of alluvial origin of these soils. The investigated phytocenoses were covered with termophilic xerothermic plants which classifies to xerothermic grasses Festuco-Brometea. These were mainly phytocenoses with the domination of Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra and Agrostis capillaris. Furthermore, a group of Spergulo-vernalis Corynephoretum was found, with a large share of species from Agropyro-Rumicion crispi, what may indicate a flooding character of these grasslands.
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