Nutrient management and soil organic matter balance in the organic crop production system evaluated by NDICEA model
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(4):78-84
Evaluation of selected elements of nutrient and soil organic matter management in the organic system done by NDICEA model was aim of the research. Data from a special field experiment established in 1994 at the Experimental Station in Osiny in which different crop production systems are compared were used in this research. The input data covered period between 2003 and 2007 year. Nitrogen leaching and denitrification, NPK balance, changes of humus content, balance of soil organic matter, changes of mineral nitrogen content in a soil profile, relationship between available and uptaken nitrogen were evaluated by NDICA model. Real measurements that were compared with the results of model simulation included: mineral nitrogen content in a soil profile (0-90 cm) and humus content. Nitrogen balance in the organic system in 2003-2007 calculated by NDICEA model amounted to 33 kg ha-1 year -1. Nitrogen leaching on an average amounted to 8 kg ha-1 year -1, however there were some points of a crop rotation with high up to 100 kg ha-1 losses of nitrogen due to leaching. Nitrogen losses due to denitrification were simulated on the level of 17 kg ha-1 year -1. Soil organic matter balance for the whole crop rotation was slightly negative and amounted to -14.5 kg ha-1 year -1.
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