Quantitative and ecological characteristic of springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) assemblages on winter rye field, cultivated in a long-term monoculture and five-crop rotation
The aim of the study was to determine the abundance of springtails and classify them to certain ecological groups on winter rye plantation in a long-term monoculture (89 years) in comparison with a 5-crop rotation. The research was conducted at Experimental Station SGGW in Skierniewice, in 2010-2011. Collembola were extracted from soil using Tullgren apparatus. Springtails were more numerous in 5-crop crop rotation compared with monoculture. These mesofauna was very sensitive to changes of soil physicochemical properties and occurred in larger number in plots with higher organic carbon and humus content. Hemiedaphic springtails were the most numerous group in comparison with euedaphic and epigeic groups in both treatments of the experiment.
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