Quantitative and qualitative efficiency of milk production in ecological farm
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2009;54(3):75-78
The technology of production of milk in studied ecological farm depends, first of all, on pasting system of the feeding as well as the free playground system of the animals' breeding and on the proper welfare assured. The efficiency of the production of milk, is expressed in the cows' efficiency the quantities and the qualitative parameters of milk, like the content of the proteins and the fat. Maximum average efficiency of cow's herd achieves about 18 kg of milk in time of test milking. The maximum average content of fat in milk achieves the level about 4,8%. However the maximum content of proteins carries out about 3,6%. The maximum 305-days average efficiency of cows' group achieves about 5000 kg of milk in 2006. Cows' average efficiency in herd in 2006 carries out 4150 kg of milk.
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