Impact of agrotechnical methods on the energetic productivity of sweet sorghum
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Institute of Bioenergetics Crops and Sugar Beet National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Latvia University of Agriculture, Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(2):50-53
Since the contemporary energy policy in most European countries is based, to a significant degree, on the import of the energetic raw materials and the resources of the fossil sources of energy will be exhausted in the nearest perspective, investigation of new, alternative kinds of fuel is at present a highly urgent task. Sweet sorghum belongs to the crops with a high biomass potential due to its high drought. The conducted investigations envisaged to study the impact of various doses of mineral nutrients and the measures of protection of sowings against weeds on the energetic productivity of the sweet sorghum Silosnoje 42 variety and the Medovij hybrid. The experiments were conducted using a method of systematic repetitions and applying common methodologies of agronomy. It was established that application of mineral fertilisers with the dose N80P80K80 on the background of the herbicide Dialen Super favoured increased release of energy by 195.1 GJ ha-1 for the Silosnoje 42 variety and by 224.8 GJ ha-1 for the Medovij hybrid. When a dose of mineral fertilisers N160P160K160 was applied, the increase was respectively 254.8 and 340.2 GJ ha-1 in comparison with variants without fertiliser and herbicide application.
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