Influence of sugar beet seed priming method on germination under water shortage conditions and root system development
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Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Plant Physiology ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warszawa, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2017;62(4):45-49
Sugar beet seeds var. Melodia were primed on germination using three different methods: 24 h in water, 21+3 h in water (seeds were dried between 2 cycles) and 24 h in solution of UG MAX - commercially used bacterial treatment. Control combination were non-treated sugar beet seeds. Germination ability, speed and uniformity were examined in different water content in germination medium: 15%, 25% and 65% respectively. The highest differences were observed in 25% moisture of blotting paper. All methods of seed treatment improved germination speed and ability, especially measured after 4 days of germination. After 14 days differences were not significant. Method of priming in water for 24 hours appeared to be most effective in improving germination course under conditions of water shortage. Root systems of seedlings obtained from primed seeds were analyzed with special scanner EPSON Scan LA 2400 and computer programs WinRHIZO and XLRhizo. Results showed that seedlings obtained from seeds primed for 24 h in water produced the most advanced root system. Their seedlings formed thicker roots then others. Volume of their root system was also bigger. There was no influence of this method of priming on a total root length.
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