Influence of the individual group of energy consumers on the atmospheric air pollution in rural communes of the Świętokrzyskie Province
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Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2008;53(2):8-11
Analysis of the final energy consumption and calculation of atmospheric air pollutant emission on the rural communes` area of the Świętokrzyskie province has been presented in the article. Energy demand for all groups of objects situated on mentioned area has been taken into consideration. For needs of presented elaboration, commune objects were divided into the following sections: housing (concerning households and farming energy consumption), public utility (consists of autonomy administration objects, educational and cultural ones, health service centers and fire stations of voluntary fire brigades) and covered cultivation (where the horticultural production is realized in greenhouses and/or in heating foil tunnels). It enabled better calculation of the total quantity (and the structure) of energetic media in each groups of receivers and, on this base, estimation, what kind of influence they show on the air pollution on country areas of the mentioned province. On the basis of our own studies and modeling-calculations it has been stated, that the greatest influence on the atmospheric air pollution in rural communes shows the housing section, as a main consumer (84%) of the final energy; the participation of public utility objects amounts to 11%, while the horticultural production realized under covers emits about 5% of impurities.
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