Informatics development in modern agriculture (Part 1)
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Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Poznań, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(2):58-61
In the range of computerization, the nature of the agricultural sector is specific in comparison with other areas of the economy. To stay up-dated and meet the requirements of the modern, changing world, agriculture sector should introduce the computerization into its practice. ICT can be a huge help with key challenges in agricultural value chain development. Proper use of software improves the efficiency and economics of a farm, by reducing the amount of working passes, selection of appropriate equipment for carrying out the field activities, reducing the consumption of plant protection products or dose reductions of mineral fertilizers. The European Commission whereas the improvement in the sphere of optimal farm management and workflow of products and services in the common market supports two projects in call CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7, that integrate similar philosophies which wish to significantly improve farm management processes. Both have been implemented since 2014, in cooperation with Polish partners: Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering (project AgroIT, Grant agreement No. 621031) and Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (Project Foodie, GA no.621074).
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