Investigations into growing and harvesting industrial hemp
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Latvia University of Agriculture
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):150-154
Interest for possibilities of the industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) growing in Latvia is increasing year by year and they are considered as one of the most promising renewable biomass sources to replace non-renewable natural resources for manufacturing of wide range industrial products. The aim of this research was to evaluate of biomass potential of some industrial hemp varieties to be recommended to grow in Latvia and clarify carbon content. The biometric parameters of ten industrial hemp cultivars have been investigated in 2011-2012. Depending on the variety the green over-ground biomass varies from 36 - 54 t ha-1 in 2011 and from 48 - 75 t ha-1 in 2012. The highest green over-ground biomass was obtained cultivar ‘Futura 75’ up to 75 t ha-1. The carbon content in hemp stems was found from 41.62 – 45.38% . The article defines the key specific requirements for the hemp harvesting machines.
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