The quality of drinking water in the commune Gniew
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Powiatowa Stacja Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna w Tczewie The Local Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Tczew, POLAND
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2013;58(4):228-232
This paper presents an assessment of the quality of water intended for human consumption, which as the only one of the
basic components of the environment fits with the definition of food. Water quality analysis was based on the test results of
the groundwater in the cities and villages Gniew in the years 2007-2012. In the analyzed period, usually in excess of the
permissible standard physicochemical parameters were: turbidity, color, iron, manganese and ammonium. In the water
from the Grand Walichnowy uptake a fluoride anomaly was found, which was of natural origin.
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