Laser modification of B-Ni galvanic-diffusion layer
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Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Poznan University of Technology
Institute of Mechanical Technology, Poznan University of Technology, pl. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2014;59(1):6-11
The paper presents test results for boronickelized C45 steel after laser surface modification. Influence of laser heat treatment
on the microstructure, microhardness, cohesion and wear resistance of surface layer was investigated. The process of
galvanic-diffusion boronickelized layer consists of nickel plating followed by diffusion boronizing. For nickel plating Watts
bath was used, which uses a combination of nickel sulfate and nickel chloride, along with boric acid. Diffusion boronizing
treatment was used in the gas-contact method at temperature 950ºC for 4 h in boronizing powder, containing: amorphous
boron, KBF4 as activator and carbon black as a filler. The laser heat treatment (LHT) was carried out with technological
laser TRUMPF TLF 2600 Turbo CO2 of nominal power 2.6 kW. Laser modification of the boronickelized layer was carried
out with laser power P 1.04 kW and at laser beam scanning rate v: 0.67 m∙min-1, 1.12 m∙min-1, 2.88 m∙min-1 and laser beam
d = 2 mm. After boronickelizing the microstructure of surface layer was composed of: compact-continuous subsurface zone
of microhardness 1200 HV0,1, and deeper situated zone , at microhardness similar to needle-like iron borides. After laser
heat treatment with re-melting, a new layer was obtained, which included: re-melted zone (MZ), heat affected zone (HAZ)
and a substrate, with a mild microhardness gradient from the surface to the substrate. The microhardness measured along
the axis of track after laser heat treatment of the boronickelized layer was about 1100 HV0,1. As a result of the influence of
laser beam, the new layer was characterized by good properties in comparison to boronized and boronickelized layers.
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