Lifestyle and health of the Warsaw Organic and Conventional Food Consumers (Poland). A comparative study
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SGGW w Warszawie, Poland
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2015;60(3):33-38
The aim of the study was to verify the assumption that organic food consumers have higher self-assessment of health, and, in addition, they have a closer contact with nature and evaluate their living environment better than conventional food consumers. A direct interview based on a survey questionnaire was carried out in Warsaw in 2009-2010. The respondents were women and men aged 26-55. The results were developed by means of introducing three indices (including 41 questions in total): health self-assessment, quality of living environment and the frequency of contact with nature. The significance of differences between the obtained results was assessed by means of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Statistica software. The research has demonstrated that organic consumers had higher self-assessment of health than the conventional ones. There were no significant differences between organic and conventional groups in terms of the quality of living environment. When it comes to contact with nature, a significantly better index was reported only in the case of women from organic group. That was not confirmed for the whole group consisting of men and women.
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