Location of the adhesive path in joints of thin car body sheets
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Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Maszyn Roboczych i Pojazdów Samochodowych
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering 2018;63(4):80-84
Bonding technology is one of the oldest technologies of joining car body elements. Bonding steel in real industrial conditions may cause various incompatibilities in the joints area. The main ones consist in the lack of adhesion and no adhesive in the area of the joints. Currently there are destructive methods of controlling adhesive joints that require destruction of the joint. Destruction of joint generates significant costs especially when assessing joints in commercial vehicles. However assessment on vehicles being repaired or operated is not possible, because it causes total destruction of the joint. As a part of the work it was decided to check whether the ultrasound echo technique would enable locating these areas in the vehicle body in which there is no adhesives or lack of adhesion occurs - not only on prepared samples but also on the element - the door of a currently produced car vehicle. The ultrasonic measurements were verified during the destructive control of adhesive joint in the doors of a motor vehicle. The tests confirmed that the proposed measures of quality enable the location of the adhesive path between the two body shells.
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